COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Updates

Care and Management of Our Clients During COVID-19

The COVID-19 crisis is real, and we are in it together. We continue to serve our community during this time.

We listen to Public Health Ontario .

We listen to our local government .

We also hear your concerns:


  • You don’t feel safe having workers in your home or even touching your loved ones, but you still need help.
  • Your loved ones are isolated and lonely because all programs are cancelled, and most places are closed.
  • Doctor’s are not seeing patients and the phone consultation does not always address your issues.
  • You are afraid to go to the hospital or any healthcare facility.
  • The news regarding retirement homes is frightening and leaves you sometimes feeling hopeless.
  • You are unable to visit your loved ones in retirement homes during these difficult times.


LiveWell Pathway continues to provide solutions to all these concerns during COVID-19. We appropriately train our workers to be safe and to keep our clients safe!

Send us a message with your questions and we’ll reach out to you.

What we are doing

  • Review of our services to determine if we can safely postpone some or modify some of our home care visits, while maintaining the required care for our seniors
  • We provide assessment plans based on individual client needs and circumstances
  • Home Care Directors communicate regularly with clients, families and employees to assess visits or reduce the frequency of in-home visits where it is safe
  • COVID-19 prevention and spread was discussed with every worker, including the wearing of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Continuous masking and gloves are required practice for all client care
  • Care Risk Assessments are required for necessary routine care
  • Our healthcare workers are required to self isolate if they experience symptoms, but have a negative swab for COVID-19, and they are replaced until well

Symptoms of COVID-19

  • Fever lasting over 12 days
  • Cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, pnuemonia, tachypnea and a decreased oxygen saturation so you labour to breathe

How COVID-19 spreads

The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus. The spread of COVID-19 is from person to person in close contact (within 6 feet).

The virus is carried through respiratory droplets from an infected person with COVID-19 to the mouth or nose of people nearby and inhaled into the lungs.

This is why masks are so essential.

Protecting yourself and others

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for 15-20 seconds, especially if you have been in a public place
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces twice daily
  • Monitor your health and watch for fever, cough, or shortness of breath

Stay up-to-date

To keep up-to-date on what’s happening in your area, please check your city or regional website or public health department.

For information about Durham Region, please visit the Durham Region Public Health Department .

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